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  • Australian Conversation & Pronunciation Online
    Improve your Australian English to communicate effectively in everyday situations. Build your vocabulary, learn Australian slang and improve your pronunciation and intonation in a supportive environment. To enhance your experience, our Online Australian Conversation & Pronunciation classes are limited to eight participants using Zoom. Topics include: * Australian pronunciation, intonation and stress * Useful vocabulary on everyday topics, including workplace and social situations *... READ MORE

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  • Certificate IV in Leadership and Management BSB42015
    Take your career to the next level, develop transferable skills and discover your leadership style at City East Community College. The Certificate IV in Leadership and Management qualification reflects the role of individuals working as developing and emerging leaders and managers in a range of enterprise and industry contexts. As well as assuming responsibility for their own performance, individuals at this level provide leadership, guidance and support to others. They also have... READ MORE
    Assessments are made against units of competency from the Certificate IV in Leadership and Management BSB42015.
    • Build client relationships and business networks (BSBREL402)
    • Promote innovation in a team environment (BSBINN301)
    • Lead a diverse workforce (BSBLDR404)
    • Implement operational plan (BSBMGT402)
    • Lead effective workplace relationships (BSBLDR402)
    • Lead team effectiveness (BSBLDR403)
    • Write complex documents (BSBWRT401)
    • Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programs to meet legislative requirements (BSBWHS401)
    • Communicate effectively as a workplace leader (BSBLDR401)
    • Identify risk and apply risk management processes (BSBRSK401)
    • Report on financial activity (BSBFIA412)
    • Make a presentation (BSBCMM401)

    This course has no current classes. Please to be notified of vacancies and similar courses.

  • Certificate II in Hospitality SIT20316
    Build an exciting career in the ever-growing hospitality industry at City East Community College. The Certificate II in Hospitality. Qualification teaches you essential, hands-on skills needed to deliver impeccable customer service in a variety of hospitality settings. This nationally accredited qualification equips you with the skills needed to work effectively in hospitality positions in a variety of settings such as restaurants, hotels, motels, catering operations, clubs, pubs,... READ MORE
    Assessments are made against units of competency from the Certificate II in Hospitality SIT20316.
    • Work effectively with others (BSBWOR203)
    • Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices (BSBSUS201)
    • Source and use information on the hospitality industry (SITHIND002)
    • Participate in safe work practices (SITXWHS001)
    • Package prepared foodstuffs (SITHCCC004)
    • Use hygienic practices for food safety (SITXFSA001)
    • Communicate in the workplace (BSBCMM201)
    • Interact with customers (SITXCCS003)
    • Participate in safe food handling practices (SITXFSA002)
    • Show social and cultural sensitivity (SITXCOM002)
    • Use hospitality skills effectively (SITHIND003)
    • Prepare and present sandwiches (SITHCCC003)

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  • Certificate IV in Business Administration
    Be at the front line of of technology in business administrative operations. The BSB40515 Certificate IV in Business Administration will help you develop outstanding administrative and organisational skills, learn to analyse and evaluate information, develop leadership skills and find solutions to a range of office problems. This course covers a range of complex administrative tasks and duties that are required in most workplaces. In our fast-paced world the traditional paper-based... READ MORE
    Assessments are made against units of competency from the Certificate IV in Business Administration BSB40515.

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  • Work with Diverse People CHCDIV001
    Gain the skills and knowledge to work respectfully with people from diverse social and cultural groups and situations, including Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people. This important subject offers participants a structured process to reflect on their own perspectives and develop cultural competence. This unit applies to all workers. Ideal for... Anyone who encounters people from a diversity of backgrounds in their workplace or personal life. Entry requirements Online... READ MORE
    Assessments are made against units of competency.

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  • Negotiation Skills for Everyone
    Do you find yourself saying “yes” when you mean “no”? Ever settle for less? Do you stay quiet when your input can make a difference? Need to polish up those negotiating skills? Our fun, interactive, one-day workshop will give you the negotiation skills required to negotiate effectively. CEC’s Negotiation Skills Workshop is designed to help you access skills to negotiate effectively no matter what the context. Use negotiation skills training so that whether it’s with family, with... READ MORE

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  • Introduction to Community Services, Home & Community Care
    Limited Fee-Free places are available. Please use this enrolment link to see if you are eligible and to enrol. Gain essential skills for anyone intending to work in health, aged care, disability support or community services. This course will give you the skills needed to... Identify and respond to legal requirements Identify and meet legal and ethical responsibilities Follow safe work practices for direct client care Follow safe work practices for manual handling & infection... READ MORE
    Assessments are made against units of competency.
    • Work with diverse people (CHCDIV001)
    • Follow safe work practices for direct client care (HLTWHS002)
    • Work legally and ethically (CHCLEG001)

    This course has no current classes. Please to be notified of vacancies and similar courses.